ARDI is funded through financial gifts from individuals and organizations in three distinct ways. You may choose the form of donation that best suits your gift intention.
Donors provide funds for the overall improvement of the Academy, but some have personal interests in specific areas of study. By funding endowed chairs, donors can convene the brightest minds to focus on particular problems or areas of study. Donors also have the ability to name the endowment in a chosen individuals honor.
While buildings eventually crumble and fall and are often replaced with new buildings and new honorees, a perpetually endowed academic chair lasts forever, paying tribute to its honoree forever, and achieving its purpose of enhancing academic excellence long after the donors are gone.

Fully Fund an Endowed Chair
An academic endowment is created by a donor from a gift containing an agreement that the original gift may never be expended. These gifts are held and invested in perpetuity by ARDI for the purpose of generating income from which to pay for the donor-directed purposes of the Chair. Thus, it is both an honor to the named holder of the appointment and also an enduring tribute to the donor who establishes it.
Enrich an Existing Chair
Donors can contribute additional funding to the existing academic chair of their choice. This provides more available funds to use to towards recruiting the very best distinguished visiting professors to teach and mentor cadets.
Donate to the ARDI General Fund
A donation to the general fund allows ARDI to use the funds in flexible ways. These gifts allow us to continue sponsoring cadet and faculty enrichment opportunities and also help fund the operations of the Foundation.
Help Us Fulfill the ARDI Mission
“There are an unlimited number of ways that people can be philanthropic. Anyone who is interested in improving the environment that is military oriented that has the disciplines and character building that is important through that system, ARDI would be an outstanding way to make an impact on the future leaders of this country.”
– Pete Coors, Chairman of the Molson Coors Brewing Company